We aim to support young scientists who have developed or are developing new (wild) ideas that challenge the consensus in their field, and that relate to questions concerning (the role of) consciousness. We aim to support them to communicate and further develop their ideas. Therefore, applicants may apply for a fellowship involving up to €2000 for the following:

  • publication costs;
  • funding to disseminate ideas at scientific meetings;
  • work visits to relevant research groups

Applicants should have received their PhD no more than five years ago. Predoctoral candidates in the final phases of their PhD may also apply. Established, independent investigators need not apply.

Applications on consciousness, the role of the observer and the nature of reality are encouraged. Applications on other topics will be considered, as long as they consider the role of consciousness in some form.

Grant awardees will automatically become members of the Tony Durston Maverick Fellows’ Network.

How to apply:

To apply please send the following to

  • An application of max. 2 A4 detailing the nature of your idea(s); how they differ from the consensus in your field; and how you came up with them.
  • Your narrative CV, max. 1 A4
  • (optional) a list of experts whom we might ask to evaluate your proposal

Deadline and procedure:

This is an open call, so there is no deadline. We expect to grant one to two fellowships each year. Applications will be evaluated by board members of the Sentience and Science Foundation. External experts may be consulted. We aim to complete all evaluations within two months of receipt of the application.


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