TDMFP Network

In addition to a granting programme, the Tony Durston Maverick Fellowship Programme includes a network of (young) scientists who are questioning the reigning materialist paradigm. The goal of the network is to organise meetings (face-to-face, when possible, but also online), where ideas can be exchanged and discussed and where these scientists can mutually support each other. The idea for the network was born because we have encountered and been approached by multiple (mostly young) scientists who are struggling with the reigning dogma in their field and are looking for like-minded scientists to interact with. As the aim is to encourage as much interaction as possible, senior candidates may also apply to become part of the Tony Durston Maverick Fellows’ Network.

Recipients of the Tony Durston Maverick Fellowship Grant will automatically become members, but other young scientists may also apply. As there is no funding for scientists involved in this part of the programme, there are no guidelines as such. Applicants should hold a PhD.

The first meeting of the network took place on May 31st 2024. Read all about it here. The network is open to new scientists looking to take part. Contact us here if you are interested.

How to apply:

To apply please send the following to

  • An application of max. 2 A4 detailing the nature of your idea(s); how they differ from the consensus in your field; and how you came up with them.
  • A motivation for why you wish to join the network, what you would like to contribute to it and what you hope to get out of it of max. 1 A4.
  • Your narrative CV, max. 1 A4

Deadline and procedure:

This is an open call, so there is no deadline. Applications will be evaluated by board members of the Sentience and Science Foundation. We aim to complete all evaluations within two months of receipt of the application.


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